Tuesday 16 June 2015

Anti-austerity march speech # 1: 30/05/15

The organisers would like to thank everyone who has turned out today. It really means a lot, so thank you for making the effort.
We are just one of many protests being made in many places in Britain, and I am sure we will be far from the last, for as long as people like you know that austerity is wrong, that it hurts people, that it blights the lives of the young, that it blights the lives of those less able to fend for themselves, that it blights the lives of those that depend on public services, for so long as the axe is being wielded, then people like you will come forward to be counted, to say “No – not in my name”.
That is what this protest is about, to make it loud and clear that what is being done to turn Great Britain into Food-bank Britain is not being done in my name, not in your name, not in the name of the person standing next to you, not in the name of any of us who are here today.
May I remind everyone that this is a peaceful and orderly protest, so please respect the guidance of the stewards, they are here to help us make your voice heard.
We really appreciate the co-operation of the police, who are going to be subjected to massive additional cuts. We are here for them just as much as we are for all others in public service affected by the cuts.
We are starting here by County Hall in sympathy for the Council, because it is the Council that is going to have to make so many cuts that we know that at heart they do not want to make. They will have no choice about destroying so much that they have built up over the years, and we know that that will come hard. It is not fair, it is not just, and it is not what the people of Pembrokeshire deserve.
Our route is County Hall, County Hotel, Multi-storey car park, Old Bridge, Bridge Street, Castle Square (10-15 mins) High St, into Market Street ending outside Stephen Crabb’s office.
Sadly we cannot deliver our protest to Stephen Crabb in person, because he is in London planning the very cuts to which we are objecting.
A change of plans means this speech was not given. However, the other two speeches were. 
A report of the march was made in the local press:

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